On your healing journey, take the step to unlearn and relearn many things related to your autoimmune disease, such as myasthenia gravis.
To heal, you must unlearn
what you have previously learned, that is, letting go of all your
preconceptions related to all the hows
and the whys you might have got your myasthenia gravis in the first place.
Remember, the knowledge you are currently having may have been generated by the
limited and the finite material world you are living in.
itself is a sacred journey involving change, growth, and self-discovery.
Knowledge is self-empowering, but it has to be distilled by true human wisdom.
Therefore, to deepen your love of heath and your quest for health and healing,
you must seek not just knowledge but also wisdom in order to expand your vision
and stretch your soul so that you may stay both physically healthy and
spiritually wise. Your knowledge and wisdom may provide you with meaning and
direction to continue with every step of your long healing journey.
Unlearning Pharmaceutical Drugs
we age, our self-made energy from the food we have consumed over the years
begins to decline, and this is evidenced by our inability or difficulty to cope
with the stressors of life. These stressors may have come in many different
forms, such as overexposure to sunlight, polluted air, contaminated water, and
a host of other lifestyle factors of modern life. After decades of abuse to our
bodies, our choices—whether we have made them knowingly, or they have been
imposed unwittingly on ourselves—begin to take their toll, resulting in the
development of chronic conditions and degenerative diseases. To add insult to
injury, our metabolic slowdown that comes with the natural process of aging
makes it even more difficult to maintain our health and energy.
deal with our health issues, many of us may desire a quick-fix, and thus turn
to pharmaceutical drugs, which are toxic chemicals that only address the
symptoms but without removing the causes of the health conditions.
unsafe and toxic pharmaceutical drugs are prevalent. This is an indisputable
fact! Unreliable drug tests abound in the medical and pharmaceutical research
communities. Drug tests prior to their FDA approval may not be reliable due to
the following reasons:
- Pharmaceutical companies may often influence medical researchers, through coercion, incentive, and even threat, to produce the desired results in clinical trials. There have been many cases of data fabrication in clinical trials of drugs in order to facilitate their intended applications.
- Clinical trials usually involve a small number of people, and may not truly reflect the outcome of those who will ultimately be using those drugs after their approval by FDA.
- Drugs tested on animal models may be biased and even irrelevant. An artificially-induced disease in non-human animals may not yield results relevant to a spontaneous, naturally-occurring human disease.
Regularly taking pharmaceutical drugs does not make you live
longer because longevity is always drug-free. This makes sense: taking too many
pharmaceutical drugs means your body is already stressed by many physical
ailments. Ironically, these drugs may do a further disservice to you by ingesting more toxins
into your already toxic body.
drugs do not heal a disease; they only temporarily suppress the disease
symptoms. Remember, when you give your
body a drug to replace a substance that your body is capable of making itself,
you body then becomes weaker and will begin not only to
manufacture less of that substance, but also to become
more dependent on the outside source, which is usually the drug
itself. Over time, you will become no longer drug-free.
no drug can give you insight into the circumstance that created your problems
in the first place. At best, it can only temporarily assuage the physical pain
created by your situation. Remember, there are no miracle drugs—only wholesome
natural self-healing. Utilize your body’s natural self-healing power, rather
than relying on those unsafe pharmaceutical drugs. Keep yourself drug-free as
much as and as long as possible!
However, it does not imply that you must desist from taking your medications
prescribed by your doctor. Rather, it suggests you should always be more alert
to the side effects of the drugs you are currently taking; you should not
readily reach out for unsafe pharmaceutical drugs, especially over-the-counter
ones, without any second thought as if they were coupons or silver bullets.
Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau