Prayers Not Answered

<b>Prayers Not Answered</b>
Your “prayers not answered” means your “expectations not fulfilled.” The TAO wisdom explains why: your attachments to careers, money, relationships, and success “make” but also “break” you by creating your flawed ego-self that demands your “expectations to be fulfilled.”

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Meditation for Healthy Eyes

Meditation for Healthy Eyes

Meditation is a proven mind-body therapy for body-mind relaxation.

The healing power of meditation lies in its capability to focus the mind solely on the very present moment, thereby removing memories of the past and worries of the future. Meditation helps you focus your mind on the present moment to the exclusion of past and future thoughts. The mind in its natural and perfect stillness relaxes completely.

In contemporary living, your mind is often riddled with thoughts of what you just did, what you will do, or should have done. Nearly all your thoughts, including your desires and fears, are based on either the past or the future. Your desires are no more than recollections of the past pleasures and hopes of repeating them in the future. Fears are also memories of past pain, and your efforts to avoid the pain in the future. All these rambling thoughts in your subconscious mind indirectly affect your conscious mind, and hence your body and your eyes.

In the present, your mind is always preoccupied with the past or the future, leaving little or no room for the present moment, which, ironically enough, is the only reality. The past was gone, and the future is unknown; only the present is “real.” The present is a gift, and that is why it is called “present.” But, unfortunately, most of us do not live in the present, not to mention appreciate it, because the present is interlaced with the past and the future. Meditation is about re-focusing on the present moment.

The mental focus of meditation is not quite the same as the mental concentration, such as solving a difficult math problem or while performing a complex mental task. Meditation is focusing on something seemingly insignificant (such as your breathing) or spontaneous (such as eating and even driving) such that your mind can be conditioned to focusing on only the present moment. In this way, your mind concentration excludes all past and future thoughts, thereby instrumental in giving your mind a meaningful break. It is in this sublime mental state that you are capable of understanding the true nature of things, and their relativity to the meaning of life and existence. Meditation awakens you to what is real or what is quasi real.

Points to remember when you meditate:

Focus on an object as your focal point of concentration: your own breathing; looking at a candle flame; listening to a sound (such as the sound of running water from a fountain); watching your footsteps when you are walking, or just about anything that can easily draw you back to your meditation.

During your meditation, if your mind wanders away (which is quite common), gently direct your mind to re-focus on the same object of your concentration. Learn how to focus through your act of noticing that your mind has wandered off, as well as through your repetitive efforts. Meditation is all about focusing on the present moment. Make focusing a habit of relaxation for your eyes 

Keep yourself in full consciousness: you must be fully aware of what is going on around you. That explains why in meditation (except in the walking meditation) you need to sit erect in order to keep your body in full consciousness. Do not lie down (or else you may fall asleep); do not slouch (this may not help you focus).

A full lotus position is not required. However, it is important that you maintain a consistent position or posture with your thumb tip and forefinger tip of each hand touching very lightly, while the other fingers are either curled or extended out. A consistent posture and hand position will promote a meditative mind to practice your meditation techniques.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Healthy Vision Essentials

Healthy Vision Essentials

Vision is the most important of the five senses. Without good vision, the quality of life is considerably compromised. The good news is that you can learn to have good vision throughout life if you know how to keep your eyes in good shape and maintain good vision health. More importantly, you can even train yourself to improve eye vision without glasses at any age.

The Essentials of Vision Health

Understand some of the important components of the human eye:

Eye nerves that send images to the brain to create vision
Eye muscles that retain the shape of the eyeball to prevent any distortion leading to farsightedness and nearsightedness
Blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the eye to maintain vision health

Vision health is contingent on the health of the nerves, the muscles, and the blood vessel of the eye.

Prerequisites to Improve Vision

Good vision is total health -- involving the mind, the body, and the spirit. To improve vision, you need a holistic approach to health.

Mind power plays the most important role in perfect vision. First of all, you must have the intention to see better, that is, a desire for perfect vision. Then, you will empower yourself with knowledge to improve vision. Eyesight correction techniques require regular practice; in other words, you need mind power for self-discipline to achieve your goal for perfect vision.

The eye is connected to other body organs, most importantly the liver and the kidneys. A healthy body makes healthy eyes. In addition, blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the eye. An efficient circulatory system optimizes vision health.

Eyestrain is the No. 1 cause of eye problems and weak vision. Eyestrain constricts eye muscles, and thereby not only distorting the shape of the eyeball but also restricting blood flow to the eye. Stress causes eyestrain. A healthy spirit relaxes the mind and the body, and therefore soothes the eye.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Use Diet to Overcome Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration, which affects as many as 30 million Americans aged 65 and above, is a slow, progressive disease that affects both eyes, typically one after the other. The macula is a small central part of the retina for detailed vision. There are many causes of macular degeneration: heredity; hypertension; high cholesterol; sun damage; and smoking.

Due to its slow development, macular degeneration may take years to be noticeable. If you are 65, you have 25 percent of developing macular degeneration; your risk increases to 30 percent if you are over 75.

According to conventional Western medicine, macular degeneration is incurable. The good news is that macular degeneration can be treated naturally with high doses of antioxidants and minerals.  Beta-carotene provides vitamin A and enhances normal cell reproduction in the eye, thereby instrumental in protecting the eye from free radicals and improving night vision. Vitamin C boosts and strengthens your immune system, and is a potent agent for making collagen to maintain healthy blood vessels in the eye. Vitamin E protects cell membranes. Zinc not only strengthens more than 300 enzymes to repair wounds, but also protects the eye from free radicals.

Remember, with the exception of vitamin D from sunlight, your body does not make your own vitamins and minerals; you must obtain the above from your diet. Antioxidants and vitamins and minerals are critical to vision health in preventing and treating generative diseases, such as macular degeneration. Take nutritional supplements. Lutein, a carotenoid found in vegetables and fruits, such as collard greens, kale, and spinach, promotes vision health through its potent antioxidant properties. Taurine promotes retinal health and improves nigh vision by transporting nutrients to the eye as well as eliminating toxic accumulation in the eye. DHA, an essential Omega-3 fatty acid, enhances the development of the retina. Ginkgo biloba is an ancient Chinese herb for vision health.

Use diet to overcome macular degeneration. Albert Einstein once said: "There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle." Believe in a miracle cure, even for macular degeneration.

Stephen Lau

Copyright© by Stephen Lau