Prayers Not Answered

<b>Prayers Not Answered</b>
Your “prayers not answered” means your “expectations not fulfilled.” The TAO wisdom explains why: your attachments to careers, money, relationships, and success “make” but also “break” you by creating your flawed ego-self that demands your “expectations to be fulfilled.”

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Eye Energy Healing

Eye Energy Healing

According to the laws of physics, there is energy in everything, and everything gives out invisible energy, including the sun, the moon, and the human body. As a matter of fact, everything is some form of energy, which is either positive or negative. For example, even your thinking involves energy, without which the mind cannot function. Therefore, if you "think" you can heal yourself, your mind sends out positive energy to your body for self-healing.

Strange as it may sound, energy healing has been around for over 5,000 years. As a matter of fact, energy healing has been the foundation of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for many centuries. 

In ancient China, some soldiers who received minor wounds inflicted on their bodies soon discovered that their physical pains and ailments had miraculously disappeared, and that led to the discovery of energy healing. The ancient Chinese physicians began to believe that there was an energy system in the human body, within which there was energy communication between different cells and organs. For centuries, the Chinese have believed that "qi" (the internal life energy) is responsible for transmitting energy information within the body. Accordingly, the smooth flow or stagnation of "qi" accounts for health or sickness.

That also led to the development of acupuncture and acupressure—methods to stimulate acupoints in the art of natural healing. The former uses hair-thin needles, while the latter uses pressure of the hands to massage those acupoints. The human body has many acupoints that have similar internal organ or system affinity, and that they are all joined together by invisible channels (known as meridians). Along the meridians, both internal life energy (“qi”) and bio chemicals that influence cellular activities of the body organs and tissues are transmitted. More importantly, stimulating this signaling system can create healing response that initiates the natural healing process.

To deal with your eye problems, such as eyestrain, vision clarity, or even glaucoma, the acupoints are located not just around the eyes (the inner corner of the eye close to the tear duct) but also 2-finger width above the middle of the eyebrow on your forehead, as well as on the back of your skill (feel the indentations about 3-finger width from the back of your ears), and on the inside of your foot near the ankle.

Massage these acupoints continuously without stopping for a few minutes using your thumb or forefinger, or both. You will feel the soreness. This is a natural way to improve your vision health and relax your eyes, especially after working on the computer for a while.

Acupressure is easy to learn: all you need to know is the map of the acupoints in your body and then apply pressure to those acupoints to bring about healing.

Energy Healing for Everyone: This mind-healing program contains all the information you will need to help you remove energetic blockages, improve your immune system, heal minor and major health problems, and eliminate bad habits or patterns permanently, without the adverse side effects of drugs, herbs or other supplements. This is a complete, holistic health system for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of energetic imbalances. This groundbreaking work turns complex healing methods into the simplest, most accessible tool — your mind.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Candle Gazing for Better and Clearer Vision

Candle Gazing for Internal Cleansing

According to Chinese philosophy of healing, the eye is the "window of the soul." As such, the eye reflects the internal health of an individual; for example, the yellowish tint in the whites of the eyes may indicate jaundice or liver problems; the dark circles around the eyes may reflect a toxic colon. The human eye is connected to the liver, blood, and the nervous system. In other words, vision health is holistic health, involving the whole body.

Chinese healing is based on the concept of balance and harmony, expressed in the "yin" and the "yang." For thousands of years, the Chinese believe that the human eye is "yang"; and candle gazing can significantly improve the health of not only the eyes but also the liver. In fact, the ancient Taoist masters believed that candle gazing has the capability to alleviate not only many eye problems but also some latent ailments inside the body. Candle gazing has internal cleansing effect, because candle gazing induces tears to clear the white of the eyes, as well as to remove toxins from the liver.

1.    Sit in front of a lighted candle at arm's length in a dark environment.

2.   Gaze, without blinking, at the candle flame. If necessary, close your eyes for 5 to 10 seconds.

3. Continue to keep your eyes open, staring at the flame and edging its outline.

4.   Breathe naturally.

5.   Allow tears to run down your cheeks; keep your eyes  open even wider to benefit from the deep cleansing effect.

6.   Practice for 5 to 10 minutes. End the session by blinking your eyes, and then massaging gently the eyeballs with all your fingers.

Candle gazing is instrumental in clearing the whites of the eyes, making them shine with brightness. Practicing candle gazing daily enhances your vision health.

Stephen Lau
Copyright © 2018 by Stephen Lau 

Monday, March 19, 2018

My Newly Published Book: The Happiness Wisdom

I have just published my book: “The Happiness Wisdom”, which is a 161-page book on human wisdom based on ancient wisdom from the East and the West, conventional wisdom, and spiritual wisdom, which may all provide guidelines for choosing the happiness ingredients for your own happiness recipe. In addition, the book also provides real examples taken from real life, illustrating how these real people perceive their realities, and thus leading to their happiness or unhappiness.

Human happiness or unhappiness is no more than a perception of the human mind, based on an individual's own life experiences. You think, and your perceptions then become your "realities"; with profound wisdom, you can change how your mind processes your perceptions. Change your mind to change your realities, and live your life as if everything is a miracle! Your life journey is uniquely yours. Make your own happiness recipe from the happiness ingredients of ancient wisdom, conventional wisdom, and spiritual wisdom. Continue your life journey with your own happiness recipe.

Click here to find out more about the book.

Click here to get your digital copy, and here to get your paperback copy.

Stephen Lau

Monday, March 12, 2018

Vision Health With Yoga

Vision health has much to do with stress and eye exercises. Stress is damaging to your mental and physical health, including your vision health. In addition, to maintain your vision health, you need to do eye exercises on a regular basis, just as you need to exercise your body or your mind to maintain their health.

Stress is a state of mind; that is, it is all in your mind. According to Descartes, the great philosopher, you are your thoughts, and your thoughts become who you are. In other words, you are the creator of your thoughts, which then become the substances with which you weave the fabrics of your own life. That is to say, your stress is your perception of what is happening to you. Additionally, "too much" thinking may also stress you out, especially if your thoughts focus on unhappy things.

According to CNN on how yoga may help you realize your resolutions in life: simply resolving to do something isn't enough; you need the means to start on the right path and stay on the course. Say, you want to do eye exercises, but fall short on a follow-through strategy. That's where yoga may come in: the ancient practice can provide the resources and support for a multitude of modern-day lifestyle changes. . . . .

If you want to be stress-free, your wandering mind is most likely your stumbling block. According to a 2010 Harvard study, 47% of the time of the human mind is thinking about things that aren't happening. Understandably, spending half your life lost in thought is considered a major cause of unhappiness and a source of stress in your life.

How can yoga help a distracted and wandering mind? Yoga is a practice based on mindfulness that emphasizes using your breath to consistently connect to the present moment. It also teaches you how to breathe deeper and use meditative techniques to tap into your parasympathetic nervous system to reduce stress and increase happy hormones. "

You must be mindful of your breaths, which is a way to re-focus your mind on the present moment. If you have a compulsive mind—that is, constantly thinking of the past and the future—you are not living in the present; not living in the now means your mind is obsessed with past memories and worries of future happenings. Remember, the past was gone, the future is unknown, and only the present is real. Therefore, the key to stress-free vision health is slowing down your compulsive mind. Yes, yoga is an exercise that may do just that.

When you slow down, you feel less stress, and you can concentrate on your eye exercises, which have to be done consistently to enhance your vision health.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© 2018 by Stephen Lau

Monday, March 5, 2018

Visualization for Better Vision

Visualization is the use of positive images to create the “reality” in your subconscious mind such that “seeing” the positive result of your efforts reinforces your determination and perseverance to reach your goal of vision self-healing.

Visualization plays a pivotal part in your vision improvement: you visualize what your eyes can see through your efforts, as well as how your eyes can improve through regular practice.

Vision research has attested to the close connection between the mind (visualization) and vision (focusing). If you visualize seeing a distant object, the focusing mechanism of your eye can physically respond to your imagination; that is, your eye can actually change its focus through visualization. 

In visualization, you close your eyes in your imagination, you relax them in your imagination, and then you re-open them in your imagination. It is all in your imagination.

Awareness to avoid eyestrain

Develop your mental awareness to change your bad vision habits that cause eyestrain.

  • Shifting: Train your mind to edge or trace the outline of any visual object with your eyes. Form this good vision habit to avoid “staring” or “eye fixation.”
  • Eye balancing: Wear an eye-patch (obtainable at a pharmacy or local drug store) over your stronger eye in order to strengthen your weaker eye.
  • Periphery: Use a two-eyed patch to cover your eyes to enhance your peripheral vision. Make a two-eyed patch out of a strip of stiff cardboard (3” x 1”), with a small part cut off in the middle to accommodate your nose.
  • Sunglasses: Avoid wearing sunglasses to avoid “squinting.”

Stephen Lau
Copyright© 2018 by Stephen Lau

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